From Trees:
Manual, mechanical and chemical control methods, especially in combination, are all effective in removing and killing English ivy. Wear protective gloves and long sleeves/trousers. Use appropriately sized cutters, pruners, loppers or a saw. (Photos from
Cut ivy vines near the ground and then again at approximately eye-level to make a vine-free band around the tree trunk.
- Carefully remove only the cuttings so no damage is done to tree bark. These cuttings will try to root, so either dry out thoroughly or put in trash. DO NOT PULL REMAINING IVY OFF tree – it may take the bark with it. Severed ivy left on tree will die and eventually fall off.
- Remove ivy from the ground at least 2 to 3 feet around base of tree.
- If necessary, follow vine cutting with application of concentrated systemic herbicide to rooted, living cut surfaces. Contact our Help Desk for more information.
- Because cutting may result in vigorous regrowth at base, vigilance is required to ensure long term control.
CAUTION: Mild to severe allergic skin reactions may occur when in contact with leaves or sap. Cover all exposed skin when working.
From Hardscapes:
Ivy should be kept from climbing on structures, and removed where already attached. Removal should be done with care because the roots and tendrils can damage the structure when pulled off. Remove same way as on tree and gently pull off when dead and withered.