Shade Garden

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Unrelenting sun was once the gold standard for gardeners, but well placed shade with the right plantings enriches our garden canvas. Shade gardens are cool and soothing with subtle shadings and green foliage of various textures, shapes and proportions.

Read our Shade Garden flyer for additional information.


Planting Impatiens around Thirsty Tree Roots

The large pine trees in the center of the Shade Garden take up a lot of moisture from the garden soil. The tree roots also grow close to the surface, which makes it difficult to dig a hole for planting. If you look closely, you’ll find that some of the impatiens planted in the shade Garden are actually planted in bags of organic soil! They are the white impatiens in the picture above on the left. We have experimented with this for several years and it seems to work quite well.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Work in the spot where you want the flowers because the bag of soil is heavy
  • Cut 7 seven X’s in the top of a bag of soil – space the X’s how you would like the plants arranged
  • Also cut a few small x’s on the bottom of the bag for drainage
  • Plant one impatiens flower in each of the holes
  • Water the plants directly in each hole
  • Cover the bag with any type of mulch you like so it will hide the bag, we used pine needles
  • Water as necessary making sure you get in each hole

Plants in our Shade Garden include:

Sweet Woodruff Galium odoratum Variegated lilyturf Liriope muscari var Wild Ginger Asarum canadense
Lily of the Valley Convallaria majalis Lilyturf Liriope muscari Creeping Jenny Lysimachia Nummularia
Dead Nettle Lamium maculatum Virginia Bluebell Mertensia virginica Impatiens Impatiens
Fern Dryopteris Solomon’s Seal Polygonatum x hybridum Bishop’s Weed Aegopodium podagraria
Bugleweed Ajuga reptans Coral Bell Huchera sanguinea Lenten Rose Helleborus orientalis
Lungwort Pulmonaria saccharata Periwinkle Vinca major Barrenwort Vancouveria
Siberian Bugloss Brunnera maerophylla Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria var.  Japaneses Roof Iris Iris tectorum
Siberian Iris Iris sibirica Violets Viola Columbine Aquilegia
Black Mondo Grass Ophiopogon planiscapus< Cranesbill Geranium maculatum
Hostas in the shade garden represent the top ten varieties as determined by the American Hosta Society’s Popularity Poll. An additional hosta in the garden is the old stand-by, the Plantain Lily.
June Paul’s Glory Gold Standard
Sagae Sum and Substance Krossa Regal
Strip Tease Great Expectations Blue Angel